"Orange and Blue Portrait"
18"x24" Oil on Canvas
I couldn’t really think of anything to write about this painting. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out though. As I’ve said before my paintings are often influenced by early animation. Yesterday I came across this musician called Jascha Hoffman and his video for a song called “Some Hungry Guy”. The video was pretty interesting to me from the get go. So I went to his website and read that it was inspired by the work of one of the pioneers of animation, Windsor McCay. Director Benjamin Ahr used the old panels from one of McCay’s comic strips called “Little Nemo in Slumberland”. Little Nemo debuted way back in the day…1911 to be exact. McCay hand-colored four thousand 35mm frames to make Little Nemo. It took him four years to complete. That is pretty mind boggling!
So here is Jascha Hoffman’s website and video for “Some Hungry Guy”. It’s a little creepy, fascinating, sad, and mesmerizing to watch. I like the song too. It will be stuck in your head if you listen to it a couple times.
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